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Python package as Layer in AWS Lambda

 Layers in Lambda

    Layers are useful for importing the libraries which not listed in aws.

Consider you want to import pymysql lib for your RDS connection or pymongo for your Mongodb database connection, if you are not added them as layer these libraries are not available 

Creating the layer:

step1: Open your terminal and create a folder give a proper name   (lambda_pymysql_layer..)

step2: change directory to lambda_pymysql_layer then create folder name should be python

mkdir lambda_pymysql_layer
cd lambda_pymysql_layer
mkdir python  

stpe3: pip3 install pymysql -t ./ (install your package in the current directory)

step4: Then zip your folders

step5: Zip the folder from python directory

step6: import this zip in add files of lambda function

step7: import pymysql


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