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MQTT set up Flask



It is message broker which holds the data when ever a consumer will connected to the topic then he will receive the data . mqtt is a machine to machine message broker, mainly used in IOT application, the default port is 1883



sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mosquitto

Command line execution:


mosquitto_pub -h -t 'topic_name' -m '{'name':'Sony'}'


mosquitto_sub -h -t 'topic_name'

-h : it is the host address

-t : topic name

-m : message payload


QOS(quality of services) there are mainly 3 services are available in mqtt 

  1. qos=0
  2. qos=1
  3. qos=2

QOS (0,0):

At most once service, publisher will send a message to broker at most once, the broker passes a message to subscriber one time 



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