We have a requirement like need to create a map where user is traveled.There are many libraries available in python to draw a map if you have list of co-ordinates with you like(longitude and latitude) To name few packages : vincent, bokeh, plot.ly and matplotlib and folium Things to consider while choosing the library: 1. Open source 2. Painless to use 3. built in support for heat-maps 4. actively maintained Folium is the lib which will satisfy above all use cases Requirements: pip install folium pip install geopands (for adding other geo json files) pip install pands (to read csv of excel files which are having the co-ordinates data) Creating the map: import pandas as pd import folium from folium.plugins import HeatMap map_df = pd.read_csv('map.csv', sep='\t') max_amount = float(map_df['Amount'].max()) hmap = folium.Map(location=[42.5, -75.5], zoom_start=7, ) hm_wide = HeatMap( list(zip(map_df.lat.values, ...