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Showing posts from September, 2020

MQTT set up Flask

 MQTT Introduction: It is message broker which holds the data when ever a consumer will connected to the topic then he will receive the data . mqtt is a machine to machine message broker, mainly used in IOT application, the default port is 1883   Installation: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install mosquitto Command line execution: Producer mosquitto_pub -h -t 'topic_name' -m '{'name':'Sony'}' Subscriber mosquitto_sub -h -t 'topic_name' -h : it is the host address -t : topic name -m : message payload QOS in MQTT: QOS(quality of services) there are mainly 3 services are available in mqtt  qos=0 qos=1 qos=2 QOS (0,0): At most once service, publisher will send a message to broker at most once, the broker passes a message to subscriber one time     

Swagger set up for FLASK

 Flask     A Micro framework , where everything is customized, if we want to use restful api's we can add flask-restful library, or we wanted to go by rest plus we can  use rest plus library   After writing the all api's we need something to test  the api's and it should contain all the required parameters like schema , for these things we can use swagger  project structure should be add service below code for swagger load app = Flask(__name__ , instance_relative_config = True ) CORS(app) # swagger specific SWAGGER_URL = '/swagger' API_URL = '/static/swagger.yml' SWAGGERUI_BLUEPRINT = get_swaggerui_blueprint( SWAGGER_URL , API_URL , config ={ 'app_name' : "service Name" } ) add the blue print app.register_blueprint(SWGGER_BLUPRINT, url_prefix=SWAGGER_URL)   Start the service python  on the default port 5000 it will load and endpoint /swagger